Treatment of periodontal diseases (treatment of gums)

Treatment of periodontal diseases is a long process, but fortunately, painless nowadays. DIODI offers you services of experienced doctors, who have vast experience and modern equipment for comfortable painless treatment of your gums. We use only a comprehensive approach to the diagnostics and treatment of periodontal diseases.

Periodontium is a tissue around the teeth that performs the function of fixing tooth in the alveoli - a dental hole. Inflammatory processes appear exactly in them, thus potentially causing damage to the bone tissue, which surrounds and supports teeth.

The most common periodontal diseases are:

  1. Gingivitis or gum disease, which occurs due to accumulation of dental plaque. The most common cause is bad oral hygiene and incorrect tooth cleaning routines.
  2. Periodontitis is damage of bone and ligaments that hold teeth; timely treatment can stop further development of the disease;
  3. Parodontosis is leisure of periodontium or a complex of tissues surrounding the root of tooth.

It is worth remembering that most periodontal diseases can be avoided by timely visit to a dentist and thorough performing of all hygienic routines.

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