Professional whitening

Our attractiveness largely depends on the smile, so today teeth whitening is very popular. This is a unique dental procedure that allows to achieve a cosmetic result in a short period of time by turning a non-ideal smile, given to us by nature, into a dazzling and attractive one.

Professional teeth whitening consists of a course of measures, aimed at brightening teeth and including development of an individual plan by the dentist. Before the procedure, the doctor gives a consultation and professionally cleans teeth. For an effective result, it is necessary to remove dental plaque, stones from all surfaces of tooth, and also to select individual hygiene products to strengthen teeth enamel.

To do this, certain drugs are used, as well as additional devices and equipment. Safe and fast teeth whitening can be performed at the Clinic “DIODI” in Ivano-Frankivsk city. We offer an effective system of chemical teeth whitening, which is carried out without applying heat on tooth and pulp tissues. This method is absolutely comfortable and painless.

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